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Monday 19 December 2011

Understanding of Novell Vibe Access Control

For confidential workspace and by recommending teaming to other users it’s important that All users part of access control remains unticked.

Understanding Default Roles for Workspaces and Folders

  • Visitor – Has read-only and comment-only access.
  • Participant – Can create entries and modify those entries, plus perform tasks associated with the Visitor role.
  • Guest Participant – Can read entries, create entries, and add comments.
  • Team Member – Has all the rights of a Participant. In addition, can generate reports and manage community tags.
  • Workspace and Folder Administrators – Can create, modify, or delete workspaces or folders; moderate participation (modify or delete the entries of others); design entries and workflows; set entry-level access controls on entries of others; and can perform tasks associated with the Participant and Team Member role.
  • Workspace Creator – Can create sub-workspaces. In Team Workspace Root workspaces, this role allows users to create their own team workspaces.
  • Site Administrator Has all rights associated with access control. Available only to Teaming

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