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Tuesday 28 June 2011

LulzSec - my view on security

"The hacker group LulzSec released what it said are sensitive documents from the Arizona Department of Public Safety today to protest the agency's "racial-profiling anti-immigrant" policies.

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I don't know what to think any more. I am not supporting them , I am not against them.
There are so many companies who don't hire enough IT professionals to protect their systems/networks and there are companies that do however they can't really monitor it efficiently.

The times where we could set up firewalls and zones and then just sit back and drink coffee are passed although loads of Network/Security Officers still think they are in the dreamland. IDS,IPS,Honeypots are a must and even if implemented won't guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability. Most of the companies who got hacked and reported it (rare) are the victim due to a lack of updates on their systems rather than 0 day exploits. It's quite easy these day for script-kiddies to download the existing tools and pull of some attacks which is also a problem for insecure companies. The number of web severs running on the old worldpress,apache etc are so massive that without proper knowledge and just by using existing tools can be all hacked as we speak.

Apparently UK spent loads of money on cyber-crime this and coming year, how come you can't see what they are doing? Fighting face-book abuse??!

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